Destruction/creation- the dance of the universe. There is no death on a very real scale. It's something that’s utterly ludicrous for us to be afraid of. Anyway, contemplating this in my kitchen, I suddenly get cold and grab a hoodie. In the pocket is a pine cone I picked up from the woods. I hold the pine cone and marvel at the beauty. Mathematics really is the language of the universe, that’s no joke.
The number phi is amazing and all over your body. The universe is reminding me that we are all shapes. Geometrical patterns that vibrate at different speeds. Pure energy with tendencies to form patterns. Some think our dimension just happens to vibrate at 9/10ths the speed of light.
Thinking of this makes me think of black holes in a whole new way. What was once frightening to me is now becoming beautiful and exciting. Particles are speeding up to the speed of light and seemingly going out of existence. I absolutely believe they could be doorways into other dimensions.
This thinking also seems to lend credence to 2012, when we'll be aligned with the center of the Milky Way where a huge black hole lies.