I drink up this mans words with a thirst so great, that I'm not sure it will ever be quenched.
Get to know Terrance, and all the boundaries of culture will fail. After listening to him speak, I feel a little more free. Sort of like I'm on a path of awakening from sleepwalking. And isn't that what we as a society are doing? We are all sleepwalking. Blindly fumbling through life with our minds in the gutters and our hearts closed down. We expect, and therefore get, the worst.

Society needs to stop playing the victim. We let outside influences effect us so profoundly, and take no responsibility. Do you notice that no one smiles at anyone else? No one says hello. We largely ignore each other and wonder why we feel so alone. I mean, if someone smiles at you on the bus, you probably wonder what the hell they want and think it's creepy. It's almost as if we're so chemically addicted to our negative emotions that we just can't quit.

Before, I felt nothing but contempt for such people and things. But these days I understand that it may all be part of a process. An awakening, if you will. Instead of hating that rude, hateful asshole driving a Hummer...I let that feeling pass and instead feel sorry for them. I think about what state they must be in to allow material things of no consequence to define them, and think that maybe they were denied the love they needed in life. And if we're denied love from the beginning, how are we ever going to be able to feel and express it to others? I retain the thought that I'm connected to every other human being. I mean, how can we heal if those of us who are preaching love and acceptance secretly hate those who don't? That would be another endless and not to mention, pointless cycle.
Author Drunvalo Melchizedek wrote about how we need to love even those of us who are destroying us, the governments and churches, etc. If we make positive changes within ourselves first, then they will manifest in our world. According to quantum physics, this is exactly what happens. Our world is in the state it's in because it reflects what's inside of us! So maybe you can't outwardly change the world...but maybe you can do it inwardly with ease. I believe this is why Mother Teresa refused to participate in anti-war protests and rallies. She understood this concept and told them to call her when they decided to have a peace rally instead.
All these pictures are from the brilliant magazine Adbusters. Go to adbusters.org to have your mind blown.