Terrance McKenna is my newest teacher/spirit guide/hero. The first lecture of his I listened to was called "what science forgot". I'm completely hooked and I highly recommend listening to him. You can download his talks for free from pod casts on itunes. I was always given the impression that he was just some guy who liked to get loaded on mushrooms...so I wasn't interested. This however, is not the case. If you're even a little interested in culture, philosophy, language, the arts, and discovering the nature of reality...do yourself a favor and listen to McKenna. He was truly a shaman to our culture.
I wonder if we are merely consciousness with free will. If this is the case, it would be logical to assume that there is consciousness without free will. That which simply goes along for the ride. This invokes the possible perspective of the plant world, the Earth, solar systems, galaxies, universes, a cell, an atom, mushrooms, cannabis. Things different from us but equally accessing consciousness.
Maybe consciousness is something of a separate existence that we're progressively tapping into with our evolving brains. Or is consciousness in the process of coming back in on itself? Did consciousness expand out creating physical form to experience itself in an infinite number of ways...making all things connected and making possibilities infinite?
If you convince yourself enough to believe that you are NOT your body- you are what is manifesting THROUGH this human body...consciousness...things will look a lot differently to you. Goals seem to change, truths become apparent, the important things seem to correlate out of chaos and into coherency.