I watch thoughts claw their way to the surface inside you
Only to be met with submission
In your eyes I am compelled to recall the sensation of drowning
The rhythmic reclamation of so much water
You are the cage and the captured
The selchie and the skin
Within you a thousand wings are beating
And I have built this to remember the occasional phrases that slip
And with the fever of their release
Surround us like a sudden season
What part of yourself are you protecting
With evasion and silent smiles
What wound still open and seething
On your skin would you not allow to be seen
Although it would be the part I'd most adore
First to be held
First to be loved
Even in these casual exchanges
I am thinking of it with reverence
The pain that is the source of all your power in my eyes
When I met Jules, I felt like a lost little girl in the presence of a wild and powerful Priestess. One who was stern yet gentle and kind. She taught me more things of value in such a short time, than I had learned from anyone previously.
At the time, I thought I was just lucky to have caught her attention. Now I believe she saw something in me that I didn't even know was there. I'd hoped it was there...but never really believed it.
I struggle to remember if I was ever truly myself in front of her. There's something about intimidation and being in the presence of something holy, that makes me quiet. It's like I was holding my breath, waiting for the gold to be released from her mouth in words, or her hands in art. And I would take my treat like a dog, and sit quietly waiting for another.
She must have thought I was such a bore. Such a lost child. I only hope someday, I can redeem myself.
Jules also owns the most lovely pair of hands I've ever seen.